Early Years Learning Framework Reggio Emilia Approach


“Being” in the framework represents the present moment and a chance for a child to knowing themselves. It recognizes “Being” as learning to form meaningful relationships with others and engaging in life’s joys, complexities and everyday life



The Image of the Child:

We believe that there is no such thing as universal childhood. At your Cornubia Park early learning we follow loris Malaguzzi philosophies and recognize “ each child as rich in potential, strong, powerful, competent, and most of all, connected to adults and other children”

–        Children are viewed as active and valuable members of the wider community

–        Each child is recognized as valuable individuals in our society

–        Each child has the natural ability to question, interpret and make sense of the world around them.

–        The educational focus is on the individual strengths and needs of the child and are always encouraged to explore, have opinions and provide ideas.





Belonging is described as a sense of place and with whom you belong – it is integral to human existence.


Belonging reflects culture, family, independence, relationships and belonging to a society. In early childhood, and all through life, relationships are essential to a sense of belonging.


“Belonging is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and who they can become.”

The Environment as the Third Teacher:


The physical environment and immediate surroundings play an integral part in the Reggio Emilia’s approach. When children are given stimulating materials to work with, and work in an environment that is well organised and maintained, then they will in turn maintain and respect their own (and the broader) environment.


At Cornubia park we work closely with families within the environment to reflect our values.


We encourage families to take an active roll in the education process. Clear, consistent communication between our village members

creates a rich social environment for everyone involved.




In the early years learning framework “becoming” identifies the development of identities, knowledge, skills and relationships within each childhood.

Children are shaped by many different experiences and circumstances. Becoming reflects the significant change that occurs in the early years as young children learn and grow.


“It emphasises learning to participate fully and actively in society”

Make learning Visible:

Cornubia Park recognizes Reggio Emilia’s vision for making children’s learning visible.

–        Learning is purposeful

–        Learning is social

–        Learning is representational

–        Learning is empowering

–        Learning is emotional


The 100 Languages of Children:

Children have the right to express their ideas, thoughts, emotions and learning in a variety of ways.


Our village members offer a variety of rich opportunities for children to express themselves through art, dramatic play, music, and dance along with the ‘typical’ ways of communicating such as re-telling, creating stories, discussions and negotiations.