Parents are invited to participate in the life of the Centre at a level appropriate to their personal circumstances and needs. We appreciate that time is precious to working parents, but the Centre recognises the important role parents play in the education of their children, and as such values parents participation and involvement on a variety of levels. Here are some ways you can offer support and also be involved in your child’s day.
- Spend some time with your child at the Centre – when you have a day off, join us for lunch, or share a “cuppa” at the beginning of the day. Tea and coffee are available from the kitchen. (However, HOT DRINKS are not permitted in the children’s area);
- Helping staff in developing interests for children by sharing ideas and/or resources, completing child’s interest sheets weekly;
- Acting as volunteers;
- Joining the parent group/committee;
- Attending parent meetings;
- Attending social and fund-raising events: our annual Mother’s Day & Father’s Day events, Easter Picnics, Christmas Celebrations;
- Collecting scrap materials for children to use in creative pursuits.

The Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre is looking forward to developing a vibrant Parent Committee. With the idea of meeting every few months to discuss any future planned activities and excursions for the children, fund-raising activities, accreditation activities, special days and dates including Mother’s Day Outings, Father’s Day Celebrations, Christmas Concert etc. We really welcome any new parents who might like to come along and share a cup of tea or coffee and a chat at the meeting. It is a great way to develop new friendships.
Families are encouraged to speak with their child’s educators about their child’s progress or any concerns they may have. Open communication between families and educators facilitates positive home/child care relationships based on trust and positive co-operation.
Much of the communication between educators and families occurs quickly, on the run, at an informal level as parents drop off and pick up children. Both families and educators need to be aware of the importance of passing on information which helps both parties better anticipate children’s behaviour. From the family’s perspective, it is sensible to inform educators, e.g. if your child has had a bad night, or if there are any changes occurring in the pattern of family life etc.
If families need to have longer talks with educators it is important to make an appointment with the educator outside of session times rather than take the educator’s attention away from the children. This also gives the educator the opportunity to refer to developmental records and observations.
The Director’s role is to spend time working with children and educators, and on administration matters. When the Director is in the Centre, she is available at any time to come and talk to you. Just phone during the day to arrange a meeting.
Families can ask for information about the following:
- A general description of the activities and experiences given by the Centre:
- The Centre’s philosophy about learning and child development outcomes and how it is intended the outcomes can be achieved.
- The goals about knowledge and skills to be developed through the activities and experiences.
- Viewing of the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care Compliance history log book which is located on the front desk of each centre.
“Open Communication Is the Key to our Happiness“
Dear Parents,
You are a very important part of our Centre family, and your input and precious time is highly valued.
The most important avenue of keeping in touch is through verbal communication on a daily basis. Educators ensure that each child is greeted and farewells are made each day and this is an important time for families to communicate and pass on messages about the child’s feelings, moods, progress, etc.
Our educators welcome comments and suggestions to improve the quality of care of your child. When areas of concern arise, the problem should be brought to the attention of the Lead Educator who will hear your suggestion or grievance and attempt to work through the problem. If additional communication is necessary, the problem can be taken to the Director.
On enrolment, families are given a Centre Handbook, which contains Centre Policies and Procedures and other relevant information. This is an important document for families to gain information on the Centre, management and general matters.
There are also many other ways to keep our communication channels open. Each room has a specific Communication Book on display for families to leave messages for the educators. This also allows educators to write about activities during the day, providing families with an updated account of the program and a basis for which to encourage conversations with children at home. Each room also provides a Weekly Program, to advise families of upcoming activities, events and interests being extended.
The Centre provides parents with a Noticeboard, Suggestion Box, Newsletters and regular emails to keep you updated on numerous topics specific for the care of your child.
The Director also has a communication book on the front desk, so at any time you can write down a message if she is unavailable.
We believe in the emergent approach where communication and collaboration between educators and families is paramount to the children’s interests being fostered, extended and evaluated. We, as educators, can learn so much more about your child and program to their individuality if you openly share their interests, likes and feelings.
Remember we are here to work in partnership with you. ‘A problem shared is a problem solved’”.
From the Staff of Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre.